
For more information about the club, please e-mail [email protected] or call chairperson Ian Whitehead at: 01865 460269.


The committee members for 2021 / 2022 are:

ChairpersonIan Whitehead
TreasurerSomesh Sharma
SecretaryJames Welch
Match SecretaryGeoff Sutton
Committee MembersCharlotte Buckle
Tom Jennings
Andrew Purrott
Louise Shen
Emmi Yates
WebmasterJames Welch

We’re always looking for more of our members to join the committee. Being on the committee does not take a great deal of time, but gives you a chance to influence how the club is run. If you’d like to find out more, please talk to one of the present committee who will be happy to give more details.

If you have any questions or comments about the website, please e-mail James at [email protected]